Bitterness and Fear - Dreams #0002: Heat Motifs paying to get rid of an old videocassette tape.

I just sold an old Star Wars Trilogy videotape on After having Amazon take their share, I was left with very little. Then, yesterday, I found out shipping was over 9 dollars to expedite-ship the tape to New York. I went through with it...only to remember that from the whole order, I did not even break even, since shipping was more than the tape revenue and shipping allowance combined! (Dumb. Should have canceled the order.) I pretty much just paid someone money to take my tape. What a waste of time and money. To add to this horror, I checked my email quite late because I was busy with the last week of school and the person not only gave me a bad review, but also yelled at me several times through email.

The only winners in this mess are and the Post Office. Yeah, I've learned my lesson...

In other news, I had several fearsome dreams.

First, I had been in front of a church building with my friend, when I took a picture. I reviewed the picture, to find that there were flames engulfing the building. I was puzzled and showed my friend, when less than 5 seconds later, the top of the church burst into flames. From that dream to the rest of my dreams, I could not shake off that emotion of fear.

In another dream, I was speeding through a road and bro was right next to me. It was really hot in the car and I could feel the heat as I gassed the pedal. I went faster and faster, until I woke up...


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