2 Months until 2018

When revisiting the goals of 2017, I find I've only fully accomplished a small percentage of them:
• Continue my daily-ish sketches, digitize them, and put them online (completed, albeit not daily)
• Get better at my craft, including design and fine art (undefined, so cannot quantify completion)
• Finish children's punny joke book, run a kickstarter, and self-publish (did not finish)
• Get back into active life, then take a mermaid glamour shot
• Finish another Coursera specialization
• Finish my Swift online courses and make 10 non-course rad apps (still working on it)
• Sell punny t-shirts and/or merch (placed in an online store, but zero sales)
• Actually code at hackathons (yes!!)
• Finally release my album

Most of my focus this year went into job and gig hunting, so any semblance of a social life suffered. Any personal goals were accomplished earlier in the year, when I had more free time, and fitness goals were placed on a back burner.

I've recently re-started my Swift online courses after a 6+ month hiatus, and I find I've forgotten much of what I've learned, which is discouraging. I'm disappointed in myself; part of the frustration is that I have to take time to review old concepts/syntax, even though I understood them at first. My priority is to complete the entire course first, but I usually go back to re-do a project a second time to strengthen my understanding. At the rate I'm going, I won't be able to commit all syntax and concepts to memory, but my hope is to gain an overall understanding and later apply these concepts to passion projects.

The good news is that my understanding of HTML/CSS has increased significantly this year, as I've completed three hackathon projects using these languages. Most notably, I designed and created a visual prototype at a hackathon within a few hours. I partnered with a developer who worked on the backend, but he didn't finish, so everything that was presented ended up being my work(!).

Final Goals for 2017 [with edits]
• Truly get back into fitness: 3-4x gym per week and experimenting with keto for the next month+ [Edit on 12/31: I started keto and continued with fitness until mid-December.]
• Get back in touch with friends in a week, and be social [Semi-attained in December.]
• Make progress on Swift online course - get to 50% or more by end of December 2017 [Not complete, but finished an app at a hackathon.]
• Create art - plan for a set of 3 digital prints, focusing on ideation, sketching, and coloring [Started planning]

A more comprehensive analysis and reflection on 2017 is to come.


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